Change comes to all things, unbidden and often unwelcome. In her idyllic woodland home, a young girl finds enormous power at an unexpected age. As she comes to terms with ancient magic, her family unifies to protect her from an old foe. Visions of the past and future haunt her, threatening both her ...
Douglas R Hernandez
Kindle Edition
Douglas R Hernandez
The Midnight Diner is a hardboiled genre anthology with a Christian slant. No restrictions on God, no restrictions on reality. Didactic preachy works are dismissed unceremoniously; we're looking for high quality works that are uncompromising in craft, content, and quality. Featuring stories by Edoar...
Edoardo Albert, Edward M. Erdelac, Kevin Lucia, Lon Prater, Jeff Chapman M.L. Archer, Eric Ortlund Kevin Brown Michael Dean Clark Greg Mitchell, Libby Cudmore Jason Hubbard Derr Brian J. Hatcher Virginia Hernandez, Douglas Kolacki Matthew Quinn Martin Chris Mikesell Colin McKay Miller
Kindle Edition
ccPublishing, NFP