Hosford Park Elementary, Lake Ridge Middle School, Sidener Academy, Rhodes Elementary, Russell Elementary
I'm 12 and I'm a gamer.Yo i'm lying bout my year I was born.I was born in 2000.
I'm proud of my Puerto Rican heritage, No I don't speak much Spanish, So don't ask me. You'll probably notice how more then 200 people follow me YET I don't even follow 60. Thas cuz I only add people I no. I'm Elijah Heriberto Lopez. I luv Anime. I play Wizard101. (Yea Bitch,Problem?!) Also Really Love Final Fantasy, My Fav FF is 10,my first 2. My Fav character is Vincent. Follow @GoldSabrian. I'm 13. I just can't change the intro from phone. I'm banned from "Only 4 Teens" Don't Ask. If U Decide To Start An Argument With Me, The moment u made that stupid decision, u already lost it. You'll be blocked if u don't shut the hell up after I warned u. The only way 2 shut ME up is blocking me. Mind ur business wen I'm arguing with someone else. Or I'll call u out n embarrass u.
Bragging Rights:
5 Platinum Trophies. I got electrocuted. I have long thick hair n u probably don't. I am self taught in my own fighting style that I picked up from arts I seen, such as Boxing n Akido. U might take that as a joke but if we ever fight it won't be so funny when ur ass is broken,bloody, & beaten. In JC Modeling Agency In Chicago there was over 500 kids, only like 50 were picked. I was one.