Executive Assistant at University of Minnesota, Board of Directors member at Metro-wide Engagement on Shelter and Housing (MESH)
Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area
Executive Office
University of Minnesota since Apr 2013
Executive Assistant
Metro-wide Engagement on Shelter and Housing (MESH) - Minneapolis, MN since Jan 2012
Board of Directors member
Anoka County Jan 2009 - Apr 2013
Community Development Coordinator
Anoka County Jan 2006 - Jan 2009
Administrative Support Supervisor
ACCAP Head Start Jan 2000 - Jan 2006
Administrative Services Coordinator
University of Saint Thomas 2006 - 2008
BA, Economics
Anoka Ramsey Community College 1998 - 2000
General studies
St. Francis High School
Collaborative Inquiry Research Grant
University of St. Thomas
Collaborative Inquiry Grants offer students financial support to work closely with a faculty member outside of the classroom on collaborative projects during Spring Semester. Collaborative Inquiry projects provide an intensive educational experience for the student that complements, enhances, or even surpasses the traditional classroom.
Student grantees are considered the primary collaborator-learners, with the faculty member as a collaborator-advisor. The main goal of collaborative inquiry is to increase students' higher-order thinking skills.
Economics Honors Program
University of St. Thomas
Completed a research paper and an additional four credits in economics chosen in consultation with the department chair. Worked with a faculty member and the output of this collaboration was a research paper that was read by a committee of three faculty, appointed by the department chair. The committee determined the paper was suitable for the honors requirement, with a majority rule determining honors designation. Candidates must achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or higher in the major and 3.25 or higher overall.
Lead-Safe Renovator, Lake States Environmental