Roger A. Baldwin - Warr Acres OK
Robert E. Davis - Oklahoma City OK
Raymond C. Janka - Oklahoma City OK
Kerr-McGee Corporation - Oklahoma City OK
International Classification:
C10G 100
C10G 106
This invention relates to a process for producing coal derived, hydrogen-rich donor fractions from fractions of coal liquefaction products for use in the hydroconversion of coal. Coal liquefaction products are subjected to a critical solvent deashing process to produce various deashed coal fractions which can only be obtained by practicing that process. Thereafter, the various deashed coal fractions are subjected to hydrogen addition to produce heretofore unavailable hydrogen-rich donor fractions. These hydrogen-rich donor fractions may be recycled to supplant a portion of the liquefaction process solvent or blended with other fractions produced by the deashing process to provide improved fuel products.