SCV Legal Doc Assist - - Owner
LA Counties #1 Divorce Document Preparation Service
Bragging Rights:
Santa Clarita's only licensed legal document assistant registered with the California Association of Legal Document Assistants. We are certified, licensed and bonded in the County of Los Angeles to provide direct to consumer legal document preparation services. We are the only independent paralegal service that specializes in divorce and other family law related matters. We have a wide range of experience including working in the Los Angeles Superior Divorce Courts, as well in the Family Law Clerks office. In addition, we have worked at some of Los Angeles's largest family law firms and volunteered 100's of hours in the divorce self help clinics. All of this experience makes us the best low cost attorney alternative service available. We offer both an in person, personalized divorce document preparation service as well as an online divorce solutions. You won't find another divorce legal document preparation service anywhere in Los Angeles that can provide the type of divorce help that we can. Providing low cost legal self help specializing in family law matters such as: Uncontested Divorce, Summary Divorce, Child Support Orders, Child Custody, Spousal Support, Spousal Support Orders, Paternity, Legal Separation, Order To Show Cause and many other family law matters. Because of our expansive knowledge in the family law department, we can help you with many complex legal matters that other paralegal services are unable to provide. We get lot's of calls from and new clients who have been burned by companies such as Legal Zoom and We The People type services. That is not the service we provide. Our divorce document preparation service is tailored to your specific needs. You will get one on one divorce help from the actual licensed and bonded legal document assistant who is skilled in helping you with your divorce matter. No sales people or someone trying to convince you to use our service. Give us a call and we will be happy to discuss your divorce issue and tell you exactly what we can do to help. Save $1000's of dollars in your divorce by representing yourself during your divorce. 80% of the divorces that are filed and completed are done so without the use of an attorney. These people do get outside help from professional legal document preparation services such as us. We look forward to serving your divorce needs.