Tommy Lee Jones
Tommy Eyton Jones
Tommy Lee Jones is an American actor and film director. He has received three Academy Award nominations, winning one as Best Supporting Actor for the 1993 thriller film The Fugitive.
Thomas Jones is a professional American and Canadian football quarterback who is currently a member of the Saginaw Sting of the Ultimate Indoor Football League.
Born in San Saba, Texas, the son of Clyde C. and Lucille Marie (Scott) Jones, Tommy Lee Jones worked in underwater construction and on an oil rig. He attended St. Mark's School of Texas, a prestigious...
Maria Vitale <>
Kimberlea Cloughley (30 May 1981 - 23 March 1996) (divorced); 2 children
Kate Lardner (I) (31 December 1971 - 9 February 1978) (divorced)
Dawn Jones (I) (19 March 2001 - present)
Deadpan delivery.
He frequently plays hard-edged but sarcastic law enforcement andmilitary officers.
Never took an acting class.
He and Al Gore (I) were roommates while the two were students atHarvard University. The two remain close friends.
Part time cattle rancher, owns 3,000-acre ranch near San Antonio, TX.
Plays polo and raises polo ponies. His team won the U.S. PoloAssociation's Western Challenge Cup in 1993. Invites the Harvard's bestpolo players to his ranch to practice each fall.
Father's name was Clyde C. Jones -- he did not have a middle name, justan initial.
Father, with Kimberlea Cloughley, of Austin Leonard Jones(born November 9, 1982) and Victoria Jones (II) (born September3, 1991).
TV commercial for Red Dog beer (voice of Red Dog)
TV commercial for SBC (2002)
Japanese TV commercials for Suntory Boss canned coffee
Alvin H. Marill. _The Films of Tommy Lee Jones._ Secaucus, NewJersey: Carol Publishing Group, 1998.ISBN 0806517514
Somebody's gonna give you some money to perform a job, you do your bestto make 'em a good hand...
It's no mean calling to bring fun into the afternoons of large numbersof people. That too is part of my job, and I'm happy to serve whencalled on.
My thanks to the Academy for the very finest, greatest award that anyactor can ever receive. The only thing a man can say at a time likethis is -- I am not really bald.
I do not have a sense of humor of any recognizable sort.
"I've worked with more than 50 directors and I've paid attention sinceday one. That's pretty much been my education, apart from studying arthistory and shooting with my own cameras. I've seen 50 diffe...
I really enjoyed a remark that Howard Hawks once made. He said the mostimportant thing is not to ask an actor to do anything he can't do. Samething goes for horses.
U.S. Marshals (1998): $10,000,000.00
No Country for Old Men (2007): $10,000,000.00
"Playboy" (USA), November 1995, Vol. 42, Iss. 11, pg. 129, by: Bruce Williamson, "Sex In Cinema 1995"
"Happenings" (USA), 8 November 2007, Vol. 30, Iss. 44
"Entertainment Weekly" (USA), 12 July 2002, Vol. 1, Iss. 662
"UFO" (USA), June/July 2002, Vol. 17, Iss. 3
"Cowboys & Indians" (USA), September 2000, Vol. 8, Iss. 4 (photos by Dawn Laurel)
"Satellite TV Europe" (UK), February 1999
"Max" (Hungary), September 1998, Vol. 1, Iss. 7
Men in Black III (2012) Sci-Fi
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Adventure
In the Electric Mist (2009) Mystery
Islands in the Stream (2010) Drama
The Company Men (2010) Drama
The Sunset Limited (2010) (TV) Drama
Batman Forever (1995) Fantasy
Harvard Beats Yale 29-29 (2008) Biography
In the Valley of Elah (2007) Mystery
Sundance Skippy (2009) Biography