US Patent:
20090258946, Oct 15, 2009
Ashok Wahi - Hillsborough NJ, US
TRUTEK CORP. - Hillsborough NJ
International Classification:
A61K 31/195
A61P 11/02
A family of products designed to ameliorate sinusitis and allergic rhinitis, produced by combining certain chemical substances with existing products, thereby producing a synergistic effect and relief. The chemical substances create an electrostatically charged field around the nose and prevent allergens or pollutants from entering the nostrils to cause a reaction, illness, or discomfort for the user. Therefore, the Present Invention comprises products, which are applied to the face, and therefore around the nose and nasal passages, as well as those applied directly into the nose. These products include but are not limited to nasal sprays, rinses, washes, sunscreens, nasal strips, swabs (medicated and non-medicated), tissues, towelettes, cosmetics, and fragrances. Common nasal sprays often comprise saline solutions. Cosmetics comprise camouflage paint or theatrical makeup. The principle function of the Present Invention is to prevent harmful airborne particulates from entering the nose when either sprayed into the nose or applied to the face, nose, or nasal passages.