
Brent Thorley Phones & Addresses

  • 16827 E Mallard Ct, Fountain Hls, AZ 85268 (480) 836-4334
  • Fountain Hills, AZ
  • Woodland Hills, CA
  • South Pasadena, CA
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Evanston, IL
  • Fountain Hls, AZ
  • McAllen, TX
  • Lynwood, CA
  • Tempe, AZ


Company: Thor enterprises Address: 2121 S Priest Dr Ste 128, Tempe, AZ 85282 Phones: (480) 966-5005 Position: Partner Industries: Nonclassifiable Establishments

Business Records

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Brent Thorley
Thor Enterprises
Nonclassifiable Establishments
2121 S Priest Dr Ste 128, Tempe, AZ 85282
Brent Thorley
Thor Enterprises
Nonclassifiable Establishments
2121 S Priest Dr Ste 128, Tempe, AZ 85282
Brent P. Thorley
Prototyping, mold patterns, product design · Services-Misc · Secretarial Services
PO Box 60514, Phoenix, AZ 85082
3422 E Roeser Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85040
(480) 586-7950
Brent Thorley
Car Tires · Household Audio and Video Equipment · Nonclassifiable Establishments
2121 S Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85282
(480) 966-5005
Brent P. Thorley
3T Solar, LLC
Mfg Electrical Industrial Apparatus
3422 E Roeser Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85040
(480) 399-9990
Brent P Thorley
Manager, Managing
Engineering Services
16605 E Palisades Blvd 110-294, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
16605 E Palisades Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85268


Us Patents

Low-Profile Solar Tracking Module

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US Patent:
20090250095, Oct 8, 2009
Apr 3, 2009
Appl. No.:
Brent Perry Thorley - Fountain Hills AZ, US
Gregory David Thorley - Paradise Valley AZ, US
David Harris Thorley - Fountain Hills AZ, US
International Classification:
H01L 31/052
US Classification:
An apparatus for distribution of light across a target area has at least one non-shadowing lens. The non-shadowing lens has a plurality of prisms wherein each prism provides an approximately uniform distribution of light across a defined area of the target area to reduce a shadowing effect. The apparatus may further have a tracking mechanism attached to the at least one non-shadowing lens for orienting the at least one non-shadowing lens towards a source of the light.

Traffic Crossing Warning Device, And Method For Warning Of An Oncoming Locomotive Object

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US Patent:
20070085703, Apr 19, 2007
Mar 8, 2006
Appl. No.:
Jeffrey Clark - Jackson TN, US
Brent Thorley - Fountain Hills AZ, US
International Classification:
G08G 1/095
B61L 5/12
US Classification:
340907000, 24647300R
A traffic crossing warning device is provided. The device includes a beam transmitter for transmitting a beam such as an IR beam, and a beam sensor in electrical communication with a signal processor for sensing the IR beam. In addition, the device includes a multimedia warning beacon, and a mounting device for supporting the beacon adjacent a roadway intersection. The warning beacon is activated when the beam sensor senses that the beam is not being received for a predetermined period of time. In one aspect, the warning beacon has a warning light, a speaker for delivering an audible signal, and a display for providing a written warning. A method for warning motorists of the presence of an oncoming locomotive object such as a train using the warning device is also provided.
Brent Perry Thorley from Fountain Hills, AZ, age ~56 Get Report