Leon Turetsky - Bedminster NJ, US
Felix Pekar - Holmdel NJ, US
International Classification:
Proactive management methodology and system. The essential multi-national trade and logistics tasks, such as homeland security; calculation of landed costs; order fulfillment and performance; transportation of goods; tracking of goods; cross-border compliance verifications; storage of compliance and logistics data on the product/SKU level; valuation of goods; duties, fees, and tax calculations; accounting and financial processes; documents and reports generation; event management; and workflow control, are assigned to individual multi-tier software elements which make up the integrated building components of the computerized integrated trade and logistics management system. A centralized multi-lingual data repository schema allows server objects to share information in real-time mode and perform data collection and display functions on the client-side devices without installation of proprietary client-side software. Based on configurable rules, event and workflow managers generate parameters the handle services and modify the performance of dependant persistable objects and to communicate with the internal and outside stakeholders.