
Kameron Swinney Phones & Addresses

  • 3010 Waterman Ct, El Dorado Hls, CA 95762 (916) 220-8535
  • El Dorado Hills, CA
  • El Dorado Hls, CA


Us Patents

Push Scooter With Vertically Active Suspension

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US Patent:
20130300082, Nov 14, 2013
Nov 30, 2011
Appl. No.:
Craig Swinney - El Dorado Hills CA, US
Kameron Swinney - El Dorado Hills CA, US
Kyle Swinney - El Dorado Hills CA, US
International Classification:
B62M 1/10
US Classification:
The invention is a push scooter having a suspension capable of storing significant potential energy. Once the potential energy in the suspension is released, the rider can more easily travel vertically off of the ground and perform acrobatics. In the preferred embodiment, the inventive push scooter has both a front suspension and a rear suspension. The front suspension is comprised of a vertical spring mechanism having significant suspension travel. The rear suspension is preferably comprised of a suspension arm attached to the rear deck of the scooter. The rider can apply downward pressure to the deck, causing the rear suspension to flex downward and store vertical potential energy, with the front suspension following suit. Upon releasing the stored potential energy, the rider is aided in traveling vertically, along with the scooter; and various vertical acrobatics become easier to perform.
Kameron A Swinney from El Dorado Hills, CA, age ~34 Get Report