US Patent:
20100019536, Jan 28, 2010
Jeff Bloodworth - Cary NC, US
Lincoln Grant Godwin - Raleigh NC, US
Joseph Anthony Sieter - Raleigh NC, US
International Classification:
B62D 25/20
B62D 25/02
The present invention provides an integrated composite floor unit and front wall assembly that can be used in a variety of structures. The integrated composite floor unit and front wall assembly is formed of a floor unit having a front portion and a front wall integrally formed with and rising up from the front portion of the floor unit. The assembly can include other structural features and may be easily combined with a number of further structural components to form a structure. In specific embodiments, the assembly forms part of a modular trailer. In particular, the trailer can be formed of the composite assembly, a composite roof, composite side walls, and a composite rear frame. Such composite trailers advantageously provide a storage volume approximately equal to or greater than conventional trailers but are lighter in weight, thus allowing for storage and/or hauling of a greater weight of cargo than in conventional trailers.