
Loren Maninger Phones & Addresses

  • 1161 Old Eagle Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 898-0255
  • Marcellus, NY
  • State College, PA
  • 1161 Old Eagle Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601


Us Patents

Color Display System Having An Electron Gun With Dual Electrode Modulation

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US Patent:
48779989, Oct 31, 1989
Oct 27, 1988
Appl. No.:
Loren L. Maninger - Lancaster PA
David A. New - Mercerville NJ
Carl L. Lundvall - Lancaster PA
RCA Licensing Corp. - Princeton NJ
International Classification:
H01J 2946
H01J 2956
US Classification:
315 15
An improved color display system includes a cathode-ray tube and a magnetic deflection yoke positioned on the tube. The tube includes an envelope having an inline electron gun for generating and directing three inline beams along initially coplanar paths toward a screen on an interior surface portion of the envelope. The gun includes a plurality of spaced electrodes which comprise three lenses. The first lens includes a beam-forming region for providing substantially symmetrical beams to a second lens. The second lens includes a first modulation electrode for providing asymmetrically-shaped beams to a third, or main, lens. At least one and preferably two dynamic voltage signals are applied to the modulation electrode of the second lens. Another dynamic voltage signal is applied to a second modulation electrode of the third lens. The voltage signals are related to the deflection of the beams and improve the electron beam spot size at the periphery of the tube screen.

Cathode Ray Tube Focusing Electrode Shielding Means

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US Patent:
45462879, Oct 8, 1985
Sep 27, 1982
Appl. No.:
Floyd K. Collins - Seneca Falls NY
Frederick A. Hovey - Geneva NY
Loren L. Maninger - Marcellus NY
North American Philips Consumer Electronics Corp. - New York NY
International Classification:
H01J 2958
US Classification:
The invention relates to incorporating improved beam shielding means into the unitized focusing electrode structure of a plural beam in-line color cathode ray tube electron gun assembly. At least a portion of the G3 electrode structure is fabricated of a magnetic alloy material. Positioned forward and adjacent to the magnetic portion is an apertured planar shielding means also fabricated of magnetic material. The cooperation of these adjoining magnetic areas provides significant shielding of the beams from the deleterious back-field of the deflection yoke.

Color Picture Tube Having An Electron Gun With Reduced Convergence Drift

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US Patent:
50102710, Apr 23, 1991
Oct 24, 1989
Appl. No.:
Loren L. Maninger - Lancaster PA
Bruce G. Marks - Lancaster PA
RCA Licensing Corporation - Princeton NJ
International Classification:
H01J 2950
H01J 2951
US Classification:
A color picture tube includes a screen and an improved inline gun for generating and directing three inline electron beams along separate paths toward the screen. The gun includes a plurality of cathodes and at least six electrodes longitudinally spaced from the cathodes. The improvement comprises the first, second and fourth electrodes from the cathodes being of materials having lower coefficients of thermal expansion than the coefficients of thermal expansion of the materials of the other electrodes.

Method Of Making A Color Picture Tube Electron Gun With Reduced Convergence Drift

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US Patent:
49521861, Aug 28, 1990
Oct 24, 1989
Appl. No.:
Loren L. Maninger - Lancaster PA
Bruce G. Marks - Lancaster PA
RCA Licensing Corporation - Princeton NJ
International Classification:
H01J 900
US Classification:
445 36
An improved method of making a color picture tube electron gun includes the selection and assembly of a plurality of cathodes and a plurality of electrodes longitudinally spaced from the cathodes. The improvement comprises at least three additional steps. First, the amount and direction of electron beam misconvergence at the tube screen, as caused by the thermal expansion of each individual electrode during electron gun warmup, is determined. A first group of electrodes will cause misconvergence in a first direction, and a second group of electrodes will cause misconvergence in a second direction. Second, the individual contributions of the electrodes to misconvergence during tube warmup are summed. The net effect of thermal expansion of the entire electron gun is a misconvergence in the first direction. Third, at least one of the electrodes in the first group of electrodes is formed from a material having a lower coefficient of thermal expansion than the coefficient of thermal expansion used in the first step of determining misconvergence caused by the thermal expansion of each individual electrode.

Color Display System

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US Patent:
49908324, Feb 5, 1991
May 22, 1990
Appl. No.:
Loren L. Maninger - Lancaster PA
Frank M. Koch - Lancaster PA
RCA Licensing Corporation - Princeton NJ
International Classification:
H01J 2958
US Classification:
The present invention provides an improvement in a color display system. The system includes a cathode-ray tube having an electron gun for generating and directing three electron beams along paths toward a screen of the tube. The gun includes electrodes comprising a beam forming region, electrodes for forming a prefocus lens and electrodes for forming a main focusing lens. The system also includes a magnetic field deflection yoke. The improvement comprises means for applying a dynamic signal to one of the electrodes forming the prefocus lens when electron beam current drops below a predetermined level. The dynamic signal is a maximum voltage when there is no deflection of the electron beams and decreases in voltage to a minimum at maximum horizontal deflection of the electron beams.
Loren L Maninger from Lancaster, PA, age ~90 Get Report