US Patent:
20070290147, Dec 20, 2007
Evgueni Parilov - Brooklyn NY, US
Mary Potasek - Princeton NJ, US
New York University - New York NY
International Classification:
G06F 19/00
A61N 5/00
The exemplary embodiments of the method, system, software arrangement and computer-accessible medium according to the present invention facilitates an analysis of interactions between nonlinear absorbing materials and an incident (e.g., coherent) electromagnetic wave based on material properties and characteristics of the incident beam of the electromagnetic energy. For example, using the exemplary embodiments of the present invention, it is possible to determine a laser beam propagation in a variety of multiphoton absorbing materials. Energy levels associated with such materials, which may be associated with various electron absorption and/or relaxation phenomena, may be added to and/or removed from the analysis. Incident laser beams can vary from continuous wave to attoseconds in duration, and a numerical solution can be obtained that is radially and/or temporally dependent. Certain exemplary embodiments of the present invention can also be used to determine certain contributions of individual electronic energy levels within the materials to the total absorption.