Guenther O. Langner - Westford MA
Kenneth J. Harte - Carlisle MA
Michael J. Dalterio - Sudbury MA
Marvin Fishbein - Jerusalem, IL
Control Data Corporation - Minneapolis MN
International Classification:
G01N 2700
The technique of measuring the spotsize and edgewidth of an electron beam by incrementally scanning the beam through discrete scan locations across a sharp edge is improved by processing the resulting beam current signals directly rather than the differentiated beam current signal. A linear regression is performed on beam current data points expected to fall in the linear portion of the beam current versus beam position characteristic in order to provide a linear approximation of the overall characteristic. Extrapolation of the linear function to its intersections with the maximum (I. sub. 1) and minimum (I. sub. 0) beam current levels yields corresponding beam positions Z. sub. B and Z. sub. A, such that (Z. sub. B -Z. sub. A) is a measure of spotsize in the scan direction.