
Tatiana Rossin Phones & Addresses

  • 274 Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA 94041 (650) 961-2253
  • 49 Showers Ct, Mountain View, CA 94040 (650) 948-3488
  • Santa Clara, CA
  • 49 Showers Dr #C45, Mountain View, CA 94040 (650) 948-3488


Us Patents

Method And System For Transmitting Signals With Spectrally Enriched Optical Pulses

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US Patent:
6876818, Apr 5, 2005
Aug 18, 2000
Appl. No.:
Yu Sheng Bai - Redwood City CA, US
Clarence Kan - Cupertino CA, US
Dzhakhangir V. Khaydarov - Campbell CA, US
Robert Brogle - Mountain View CA, US
Tatiana V. Rossin - Mountain View CA, US
Ilya M. Fishman - Palo Alto CA, US
FutureWei Technologies, Inc. - Plano TX
International Classification:
US Classification:
398154, 398146, 398148, 398183, 398186, 398185, 398189, 398 81, 398199, 398 91
A system and method for transmission of data modulated spectrally enriched optical pulses via an error free propagation region of an optical fiber, in which the optical pulses generated by an optical transmitter have a spectrum that is substantially wider than the spectrum of Fourier-transform limit at an input of the error-free propagation region. The spectral width of the optical pulses gradually narrows while transmitting along this region and becomes comparable to the Fourier-transform limit at an output of this region. Linear and non-linear distortions are compensated within the error free propagation region respectively by deployment of dispersion compensating units and phase modulation of transmitted optical pulses for providing them with an appropriate frequency chirp having shape comparable with a frequency chirp induced by a self-phase modulation of the optical fiber but having opposite sign.
Tatiana Te Rossin from Mountain View, CA, age ~67 Get Report