20.33 After more relentless diving with very little splashing and no top bombing, I repeat no top bombing, England's Tonia Couch has produced her best dive so far. It puts her in the bronze medal position (briefly) but Meaghan Benfeito, Rose Filion and Pandelela Rinong Pamg are having their
03 No sing of nerves at all for Vicky Vincent whose back 2 somersault gets a score of 65. Sarah Barrow, too, looks in decent fettle with a 65.6 for her inward 3 somersault. Tonia Couch again fails to really meet her best. Just 57.6 for her. But Malaysia's Cheong Jun Hoong means busines
56 Back in the pool we've had the first round of dives and 13-year-old Victoria Vincent is in eighth position with a score of 63.00. Tonia Couch, who is the more realistic medal hopeful here, looked a little edgy in her dive but still managed a 67.20 which leaves her tied for fifth. Sara
19.46 The women's 10m platform final is just underway a full six - six! - minutes late. All that careful planning to come up with a 19:41 start time and now this. There are three English competitors in this - Sarah Barrow, Tonia Couch and 13-year-old Victoria Vincent.
14.20 English trio Tonia Couch, Sarah Barrow and Victoria Vincent, who is just 13-years-old, have qualified for the final of the 10m platform. That final will begin at 19.41 later tonight. Not 19.40. Not 19.42. Unless the judges' electronic scoring wands are on the blink again. Otherwise it