US Patent:
20070212786, Sep 13, 2007
Scott Manalis - Cambridge MA, US
Tzu Loh - Watertown MA, US
Michel Godin - Somerville MA, US
Nebojsa Milovic - Basel, CH
Jonathan Behr - Cambridge MA, US
Aarthi Chandrasekaran - Cambridge MA, US
Ram Sasisekharan - Cambridge MA, US
International Classification:
G01N 33/86
In one aspect, the present invention provides a device and method for real-time, direct detection of heparin in buffer and in serum comprising a microfluidic field-effect device as an affinity biosensor. The sensor is based on an electrolyte-insulator-silicon structure, and is manufactured by a standard high-yield silicon microfabrication process. The binding of heparin to the sensor surface induces a change in the insulator-electrolyte surface potential, which is measured as a change in sensor capacitance. To ensure the binding selectivity, protamine and antithrombin III are used as affinity probes.