
Heng Xing Hu

from Brooklyn, NY
Age ~56

Heng Hu Phones & Addresses

  • Brooklyn, NY
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • New York, NY
  • 79 Louisa St, Brooklyn, NY 11218


Company: MATEO


School / High School: Art University


Us Patents

Portable Instant Cooling System With Controlled Temperature Obtained Through Timed-Release Liquid Or Gaseous Co2 Coolant For General Refrigeration Use In Mobile And Stationary Containers

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US Patent:
20200318862, Oct 8, 2020
Feb 27, 2020
Appl. No.:
Mark Holzwanger - Hewlett NY, US
Xianghong Henry Liu - Ann Arbor MI, US
Heng Hu - Plymouth MN, US
Harry Holzwanger - Bayside NY, US
Maria Grazia Verardi - Briarcliff Manor NY, US
Robert A. Sailer - West Fargo ND, US
William John Refling - Fargo ND, US
Frostime LLC - New York NY
International Classification:
F25B 9/02
F25B 19/00
F25D 3/12
F17C 9/04
F25D 29/00
G05D 23/19
Standalone and self-contained cooling systems using compressed liquid and/or gas COcontainers positioned in an insulated or non-insulated vessel encompassing a container which is either vertically positioned in an upright or an upside-down position.The liquid and/or gas COcoolant is then released into a capillary system or flow metering system to allow the COto enter a second body to where the COcoolant properties may be leveraged. The second body includes, by way of example, a plate, a cushion, a spot treatment pad for a person's muscle, or a cooler.The temperature is controlled by a metering COreleasing system encompassing an electronic control device which sends alerts when pre-defined thresholds are exceeded.The invention's metering COreleasing system may be triggered by an electronic or a thermostatic valve or may be triggered manually or by an electronic solenoid.

Portable Instant Cooling System With Controlled Temperature Obtained Through Timed-Release Liquid Or Gaseous Co2 Coolant For General Refrigeration Use In Mobile And Stationary Containers

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US Patent:
20180274824, Sep 27, 2018
May 21, 2018
Appl. No.:
Mark Holzwanger - Hewlett NY, US
Xianghong Henry Liu - Ann Arbor MI, US
Heng Hu - Plymouth MN, US
Harry Holzwanger - Bayside NY, US
Maria Grazia Verardi - Briarcliff Manor NY, US
Robert A. Sailer - West Fargo ND, US
Justin Hoey - Fargo ND, US
William John Refling - Fargo ND, US
Frostime LLC - New York NY
International Classification:
F25B 9/02
F25B 19/00
Standalone and self-contained cooling systems using compressed liquid and/or gas COcontainers positioned in an insulated or non-insulated vessel encompassing a container which is either vertically positioned in an upright or an upside-down position.The liquid and/or gas COcoolant is then released into a capillary system or flow metering system to allow the COto enter a second body to where the COcoolant properties may be leveraged. The second body includes, by way of example, a plate, a cushion, a spot treatment pad for a person's muscle, or a cooler.The temperature is controlled by a metering COreleasing system encompassing an electronic control device which sends alerts when pre-defined thresholds are exceeded.The invention's metering COreleasing system may be triggered by an electronic or a thermostatic valve or may be triggered manually or by an electronic solenoid.

Portable Instant Cooling System With Controlled Temperature Obtained Through Timed-Release Liquid Or Gaseous Co2 Coolant For General Refrigeration Use In Mobile And Stationary Containers

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US Patent:
20180266734, Sep 20, 2018
May 17, 2018
Appl. No.:
Mark Holzwanger - Hewlett NY, US
Xianghong Henry Liu - Ann Arbor MI, US
Heng Hu - Plymouth MN, US
Harry Holzwanger - Bayside NY, US
Maria Grazia Verardi - Briarcliff Manor NY, US
Robert A. Sailer - West Fargo ND, US
Justin Hoey - Fargo ND, US
Frostime LLC - New York NY
International Classification:
F25B 19/00
H04L 29/06
H04B 3/04
A61J 1/14
A61J 1/16
G05D 23/02
F25B 25/00
F25D 29/00
F25D 23/02
F25D 23/12
F25D 17/02
F25C 1/04
F25D 31/00
B60H 1/32
Standalone and self-contained cooling systems using compressed liquid and/or gas COcontainers positioned in an insulated or non-insulated vessel and consisting of a specially designed unit where the containers are vertically positioned in an upright or upside-down position.The liquid and/or gas COcoolant is then released into capillary tube(s) embedded into a heat transfer plate or heat exchanger thus leveraging the COcoolant properties.The temperature is controlled by a metering COreleasing system encompassing an electronic control device which can be operated remotely and/or via a touch screen and which sends alerts when pre-defined thresholds are exceeded.The invention's metering COreleasing system may be triggered by an electronic or a thermostatic valve or may be triggered manually or by an electronic solenoid. The invention's cooling system also encompasses check valves, which avoid liquid and/or gas COfrom escaping when removing or replacing COcontainers individually.

Portable Instant Cooling System With Controlled Temperature Obtained Through Timed-Release Liquid Or Gaseous Co2 Coolant For General Refrigeration Use In Mobile And Stationary Containers

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US Patent:
20180259230, Sep 13, 2018
May 13, 2018
Appl. No.:
Mark Holzwanger - Hewlett NY, US
Xianghong Henry Liu - Ann Arbor MI, US
Heng Hu - Plymouth MN, US
Harry Holzwanger - Bayside NY, US
Maria Grazia Verardi - Briarcliff Manor NY, US
Robert A. Sailer - West Fargo ND, US
Justin Hoey - Fargo ND, US
Frostime LLC - New York NY
International Classification:
F25B 19/00
H04L 29/06
H04B 3/04
A61J 1/14
A61J 1/16
G05D 23/02
F25B 25/00
F25D 29/00
F25D 23/02
F25D 23/12
F25D 17/02
F25C 1/04
F25D 31/00
B60H 1/32
Standalone and self-contained cooling systems using compressed liquid and/or gas COcontainers positioned in an insulated or non-insulated vessel and consisting of a specially designed unit where the containers are vertically positioned in an upright or upside-down position.The liquid and/or gas COcoolant is then released into capillary tube(s) embedded into a heat transfer plate or heat exchanger thus leveraging the COcoolant properties.The temperature is controlled by a metering COreleasing system encompassing an electronic control device which can be operated remotely and/or via a touch screen and which sends alerts when pre-defined thresholds are exceeded.The invention's metering COreleasing system may be triggered by an electronic or a thermostatic valve or may be triggered manually or by an electronic solenoid. The invention's cooling system also encompasses check valves, which avoid liquid and/or gas COfrom escaping when removing or replacing COcontainers individually.

Portable Instant Cooling System With Controlled Temperature Obtained Through Timed-Release Liquid Or Gaseous Co2 Coolant For General Refrigeration Use In Mobile And Stationary Containers

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US Patent:
20180202692, Jul 19, 2018
Mar 18, 2018
Appl. No.:
Mark Holzwanger - Hewlett NY, US
Xianghong Henry Liu - Ann Arbor MI, US
Heng Hu - Plymouth MN, US
Harry Holzwanger - Bayside NY, US
Maria Grazia Verardi - Briarcliff Manor NY, US
Robert A. Sailer - West Fargo ND, US
Justin Hoey - Fargo ND, US
Frostime LLC - New York NY
International Classification:
F25B 19/00
H04L 29/06
A61J 1/14
G05D 23/02
H04B 3/04
A61J 1/16
B60H 1/32
F25B 25/00
F25C 1/04
F25D 31/00
F25D 29/00
F25D 23/12
F25D 23/02
F25D 17/02
Standalone and self-contained cooling systems using compressed liquid and/or gas COcontainers positioned in an insulated or non-insulated vessel and consisting of a specially designed unit where the containers are vertically positioned in an upright or upside-down position.The liquid and/or gas COcoolant is then released into capillary tube(s) embedded into a heat transfer plate or heat exchanger thus leveraging the COcoolant properties.The temperature is controlled by a metering COreleasing system encompassing an electronic control device which can be operated remotely and/or via a touch screen and which sends alerts when pre-defined thresholds are exceeded.The invention's metering COreleasing system may be triggered by an electronic or a thermostatic valve or may be triggered manually or by an electronic solenoid. The invention's cooling system also encompasses check valves, which avoid liquid and/or gas COfrom escaping when removing or replacing COcontainers individually.
Heng Xing Hu from Brooklyn, NY, age ~56 Get Report